Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, introduction to One2One website.

Welcome to One2One Aotearoa

Waihō mā tō ahurei hei arahi te mahi.

(Let your uniqueness guide our work)

One2One Aotearoa is a newly established provider of individualised and flexible supports to people with disability (tāngata whaikaha) and their family/whānau in MidCentral DHB region. The MidCentral region covers the city of Palmerston North, the districts of Horowhenua, Manawatu and Tararua, and the Otaki ward of the Kapiti Coast District. One2One will support people with all types of disability to remain living in their family/whānau home, live with a host family or move into their own home in the community. One2One does not provide any group home, day centre or other congregate care services.

One2One is committed to work in partnership with each person with disability to plan and receive supports that meet their individual needs and preferences from people that they choose and trust.

People with disability who are allocated personal budget funding through the Disability Transformation System or other sources have a wide range of options as to how they use their funds and how their supports are provided to them.

The individualised arrangements that are most commonly used by people who have control over their own personal budgets are described in the website to help people determine what arrangement might best work for them. What connects all of these arrangements is that the person is always in control of:

  • the supports they receive,
  • when, where and how they receive those supports, and
  • who provides those supports.
  • Naturally, people are free to choose any mix of arrangements that better suits them at any time they wish – and are free to change their minds at any time.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand. Main body content information for the Provider Managed Service at One2One.

    We can do it together...

    Me mahi tahi tātou mo te ōranga o te katoa

    (Working together for the health and wellbeing of all)

    You may prefer an arrangement where you employ or contract your own support people, but have One2One assist you with planning and implementing your supports - as well as managing and administering your funds. Planning and support from One2One will include, among other things:

    • assisting you to understand and navigate the planning and funding system;
    • providing you with practical support and advice during the planning process;
    • attending any planning meetings with you, if you wish;
    • advising you on recruiting the right support people;
    • providing you with tested advertising and selection resources;
    • providing you with sample employment contracts to engage your support people;
    • supplying you with the basic policies you need to have in place as an employer;
    • offering you access to a pool of pre-screened and available support people when gaps arise in your support arrangements;
    • helping you to become a good employer and build a good support team;
    • assisting you through the planning and review processes;
    • providing advice about building stable support arrangements;
    • remaining available whenever crises and emergencies arise.

    Management and administration from One2One will include:

    • assisting you to meet your legal obligations as an employer;
    • paying your support people;
    • arranging and paying workers' compensation;
    • calculating PAYE tax and Kiwisaver and submitting it to Inland Revenue Department;
    • calculating and paying the ACC levy;
    • preparing and submitting all necessary documentation to IRD;
    • paying your contractors and suppliers;
    • arranging and paying public and product liability insurances;
    • holding and administering your funding;
    • acquitting the funds back to the funding body.

    One2One offers you several ways of engaging your own support people under this arrangement. One way is for One2One to organise for you to be registered with IRD under its own umbrella registration so that you can employ and pay your own support people.

    Another way is for you to engage an independent contractor to provide your supports. The advantages of using independent contractors is that you have fewer legal responsibilities and, while you might not have as much control over who the actual support person will be each time, you retain the flexibility to adjust your support arrangements to suit your changing needs and interests.

    Some people do not want all the hassle of managing their own support people, but they still wish to be the employer. If you would like someone to help you recruit, train and supervise your support people, One2One can advise you on engaging a private co-ordinator to undertake those tasks on your behalf and under your supervision.

    Tiare is a client with a disability


    Tiare lives with a family friend in a three-bedroom house in a suburb of Palmerston North. Tiare joined One2One Aotearoa in 2019 after having been supported for several years by two other service providers. Tiare said, ‘My previous providers of 26 years were very detached and analytical. There was distance between what they were doing and “me”. They were outside of my perspective, looking in. They needed to see it from me, from the inside. They were dismissive and unsupportive of my needs.’

    Since she has been with One2One Aotearoa, Tiare says that her supports now arrive consistently and reliably. She does not have to worry whether they will turn up or not. One2One has enabled Tiare to have more choice and control over her supports – who provides those supports, when they are provided and how they are provided. In Tiare’s own words, ‘Yes, I took a chance with One2One. I trust them. They understood where I was coming from. I felt liberated. Now, I can breathe a little bit of fresh air. An environment, that encourages innovation, greater alignment to consumer needs [my needs] and more open.’

    Tiare has recently joined the local Tennis Club and assists as a volunteer in administration and preparing morning/afternoon teas on Sundays. Tiare is also pursuing a microbusiness (dressing up dolls). She hopes her project will flourish and is exploring whether she will enrol for a fashion design course at the local design school.

    Tim is a client with a disability


    Tim is on the ASD spectrum. After leaving school at 15, Tim’s parents found it very difficult to motivate him to doing anything other than stay in his bedroom, playing computer games and watching DVDs. His parents knew he had a passion for films and acting but could not convince him to become involved in this. A facilitator helped Tim set up a circle of support. He joined the Special Olympics Ten Pin Bowling League and met other people with disabilities. He grew in confidence and became more outgoing.

    Tim began going to a gym to improve his fitness and decided to enrol at UCOL to study for a Certificate in Performing Arts. While studying at UCOL Tim moved into the city of Palmerston North into a flat on his own. This was a very nervous time for his parents, but he learnt the necessary skills with the support of his mentors. With support, he learned to cook and clean, catch buses to UCOL and generally organise his own schedule. These skills enabled him to grow from a secluded introvert to a more self-assured young man.

    Over several years at UCOL, Tim completed Certificate courses in Performing Arts, Foundation Skills and even tried his hand at Business Studies. All these new experiences enabled Tim to be more self-assured and transformed him into a confident young man. His passion for fil was till strong, and this was recognised by one of his UCOL lecturers who suggested that he may like to try the NZ Film and Television School at Whitireia in Wellington. Tim was keen and after an enrolment interview was offered a place on the course. His passion was such that he was one of 25 successful applicants out of 300!

    This meant Tim needed to move to Wellington. So began a period of 8 years that Tim spent flatting and studying in Wellington. There were plenty of challenging moments along the way but during this time Tim learnt how to be independent in all areas of his life. He was supported in this by Capital Coast, disability support services provider.

    Through small steps, Tim became a full citizen of a vibrant city. At times, he found his schedule at Film School challenging, but because he was truly passionate and focused on his career, he was able to push through the tough bits and achieve more than his family ever thought possible. His journey has been inspiring to many and we can see that in Tim’s case the sky really is the limit! Following Film School came several years of part time study at Whitireia. Tim eventually graduated with a Level 6 Diploma of Creative Writing. In July 2021, Tim decided that he didn’t want to live in Wellington anymore and moved back to his parents' hometown, Dannevirke. He has his own two-bedroom flat which he really feels is his home

    Tim decided that he would like to try writing a fantasy novel, using his creative writing skills. Thanks to funding from Mana Whaikaha, Tim was able to spend time with a writing mentor, who is very supportive of Tim and is impressed with his language and his writing skills. Tim has now finished the first draft of his novel. All 22 chapters! His next step, with the help of his mentor, is to go through the process of editing and refining. After that he will look at publishing it. In his spare time, Tim makes full use of the local public pool and has undertaken professional swimming lessons. He also attends the local gym where he is supported by a professional trainer.

    Rachel is a client with a disability


    Rachel represents the views of hundreds of people with a learning disability living in the MidCentral region. She has lived experience which inspires her helping others speak up to have a better life, more choice and control. As well as being an active member (and Treasurer) of People First Manawatu, she has knowledge of rights and experience in running self-advocacy meetings. Rachel has been supported by One2One since mid-2020 after living for years in traditional residential services, experiencing lack of staffing and knowing how hard it is to speak when things aren’t going well. Rachel moved into her own three-bedroom home with two flatmates. The One2One support team showed her with various things around the house: like cooking, shopping, paying bills, planning activities for the week and budgeting her money. After a year living in that house, One2One helped Rachel to find and rent another better and suitable house in an area that she wanted to live. The new house has two lounges and two bathrooms, enabling Rachel having her own ensuite bedroom while her flatmate has her own space. The second bedroom is occupied by a live-in PA whenever the flatmate is away. Rachel is supported by several One2One PAs who help her to manage her life and work toward her goals. They assist her to manage her tenancy, maintain her family relationships, juggle household responsibilities and be ready for the working week delivering the local weekly newspapers and attending various meetings. Recently, she travelled to Auckland attending a two-day workshop with one of her PAs. Rachel acknowledges she has not always made the best choices over the past few years with One2One and things have not always work out well for her. However, she also knows that no matter what situation she finds herself in, One2One is on her side and will not judge or criticise her. Instead, she will be encouraged and supported to deal with the consequences of those decisions and to make better choices the next time around.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with a disability in New Zealand. Main body content information for the support arrangement service offered by to One2One.

    We can do it for you (but not without you)...

    Ko tāu rourou, ko tāku rourou

    (Your basket of knowledge, my basket of knowledge)

    You may prefer a support arrangement that leaves you with the least administrative hassle or legal responsibility. If you prefer this type of arrangement, you can ask One2One to co-ordinate your services and employ support people on your behalf. In other words, One2One:

    • assists you to understand and navigate the planning and funding system;
    • provides you with practical support and advise during the planning process;
    • attends any planning interviews with you, if you wish;
    • designs the support arrangement with and for you;
    • recruits and employs your support people, with you having the final choice;
    • undertakes police checks and reference checks;
    • trains, rosters, supervises and monitors your support people;
    • pays and insures your support people;
    • retains and submits tax and superannuation;
    • submits all necessary documentation to IRD;
    • arranges and pays public and product liability insurances;
    • holds and administers your funding in accordance with your funding plan;
    • acquits the funds back to the funding body;
    • assists you through planning and review processes.

    Each person who chooses this type of arrangement is allocated a One2One co-ordinator (kaiwhakahaere). Each co-ordinator works with an average of 10-12 people, ensuring that they get to know you well and can remain in close contact. One2One will charge you an additional fee to cover the cost of your co-ordinator.

    There are a number of specific support arrangements from which you can choose, and from which you can also ‘mix and match’. Popular support arrangements that are offered by One2One are described below.

    Homesharer (Kainga Tupu)

    The Homesharer arrangement appeals to those who feel that the best living arrangement is to move in with a person, couple or family who can provide needed supports. The homesharer is carefully matched to you and your needs and preferences – and their ability to provide a safe, secure, comfortable and welcoming home. Homesharers can be younger parents with one or two of their own children living at home, middle-aged parents whose children have left home, older couples or single people who may be of any age. You may move into the homesharer's home or the homesharer may move into your home.

    Identification and matching of homesharers is a very careful and thorough process, with you at the centre of decision-making at all times: before and after any arrangement has commenced. One2One provides training to homesharers to further ensure they are competent and suitable to have you living with them. Homesharers are visited regularly by the One2One co-ordinator to ensure that the arrangement is running smoothly for everybody involved.

    Mentor (Te Poipoia)

    The Mentor arrangement, as the name suggests, is less about direct support provided at agreed times by a One2One personal assistant. It is more about a One2One mentor (te poipoia) being there at the right times, and on-call at other times, to help you make better decisions and take the right actions by understanding the consequences of not doing so: such as being unable to remain living in your home. One2One mentors also connect you into your local community, assisting you to develop useful skills and to fulfil valued roles in society.

    Flexible Supports (Tautoko Ngāwari)

    The Flexible Supports arrangement involves a One2One personal assistant or kaiāwhina (personal assistant our name for support workers because it underlines that fact that you are in control) providing agreed support when, where and how you decide. This support could be in your home, in the community, at college or university, in a regular workplace, at a recreation centre, in a gym, at the pool or on holidays.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand. Main body content information for the about us page to One2One website. Describing their values and commitment to service.

    About One2One

    Ngā Tikanga

    Our Shared Values

    what you and One2One jointly believe and commit to achieve...

    • Autonomy - Promotion of independent thought and action through exploring, choosing and creating.
    • Individuality - Acknowledging and respecting our unique needs and desires.
    • Equality - Promotion and protection of equal rights and opportunities for all.
    • Accomplishment - Personal success, growth and fulfilment.
    • Security - Stability of desired lifestyle and confidence about the future.
    • Humanity - Commitment to the well-being of all.

    Our Service Charter (Te Tūtohinga Ratonga)

    (how we will work with you)

    • Communicate and act in an open, transparent and honest manner;
    • Ensure that you are involved in decisions that may affect the services provided;
    • Treat you with respect and consideration;
    • Be responsible for our actions in relation to decisions that are made together about the supports that will be provided;
    • Provide you with information that will assist you to make the best decisions about your supports;
    • Seek your permission before providing information about you to other people;
    • Keep your personal information secure and confidential; and
    • Follow the proper process should you have a complaint or grievance.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, information on the directors of One2One website.

    Board of Directors

    Ngā Kaitiaki

    Rebecca Wood

    Rebecca Wood



    Rebecca Wood



    Rebecca lives in rural Dannevirke with her husband, Chris, and has been involved in the disability sector for many years: supporting family members, developing and facilitating empowerment training for parents and sitting on a number of committees. This included being involved in the community engagement process that preceded the transformation of the disability system in the Manawatu/Tararua regions. That group was tasked with finding out what the local people with disability and their families wanted from the new system. A key finding was the need to give control back to the people with disability and their families over the supports they needed and wanted. Rebecca believes it is important that people with disability and their families have big dreams and aim for the stars. It was this personal philosophy that led her to become involved with One2One, whose vision and day-to-day practice she feels makes it stand apart. People with disability and their families are made to feel welcome, are valued and are listened to respectfully. Rebecca looks forward to many years of being a Board member of One2One.

    Lawrence Chok

    Lawrence Chok

    B.Sc. Hons, Industrial Economics, MBA


    Lawrence Chok

    .Sc. Hons, Industrial Economics, MBA


    Lawrence worked in Borneo for 30 years in the corporate sector before moving his family to Palmerston North in 1999 to seek a better life for his family, in particular his eldest son who has Down Syndrome. Since coming to New Zealand, Lawrence has had a focus on advocating for his son and promoting the role of families within support relationships.
    In 2008, Lawrence initiated a family governance group (FAST) with four families. FAST has guided family members with disabilities to lead meaningful, independent and sustainable lives in their communities.
    In 2010, Inclusion Aotearoa, of which Lawrence was a co-founder, was awarded the original Local Area Coordination demonstration contract. The LAC program now operates across three locations in New Zealand under new operators. Lawrence has also worked part-time with three other service providers with a disability and mental health focus. An important part of these roles for Lawrence was the opportunity to advocate for families in ‘service provider’ conversations. Lawrence represented families in the co-design of the Disability Transformation System group. This work encouraged Lawrence to think about how New Zealand families could have more ‘choice and control’. From this, Lawrence has developed One2One Aotearoa.

    Chris Wood

    Chris Wood

    Dip.Ed., Dip.Build.Surv.


    Chris Wood

    Dip.Ed., Dip.Build.Surv.


    Chris lives in Dannevirke, with his wife Rebecca, and works as a Building Officer with the Tararua District Council. About 15 years ago, he and Rebecca moved from Waiheke Island to the Manawatu with the youngest of their three sons, who has Asperger’s Syndrome. There began their journey of finding like-minded people who would help them to create the best life possible for their son. This led to the formation of Families Action Support Team (FAST) to help families to better help their sons and daughters with disability to live really good lives. FAST has since mentored other family collectives and supported them on their journeys. Chris feels strongly that every person with a disability has the right to set their own dreams and goals. Chris became an inaugural member of the One2One Board because he believes that One2One is showing the way in the disability community in its own belief that nothing is too hard and nothing is seen as a barrier to dreams coming true.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, information for employment opportunities at One2One

    Working at One2One

    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini.

    (My strength is not that of an individual, but that of the collective)

    What do I want from work?

    • Do an interesting, responsible & fulfilling job;
    • Be appreciated and rewarded for doing my job well;
    • Be able to balance my work with my family;
    • Be able to balance my work with my lifestyle or my studies;
    • Work with others who are kind, caring and helpful;
    • Get to know someone with a disability and help them to live a richer life;
    • Work for an organisation that really cares about its customers; and
    • Receive a fair wage for the work I do.

    If this works for you, you may want to work for us ...

    We are looking for people who would like to move in with a person with a disability in a comfortable, well-located and well-equipped house organised through One2One.

    We are looking for people who would like to have a person with a disability live with them. One2One can meet the cost of any needed modifications, equipment or furniture.

    We are looking for people who would like to spend several hours for one or more days each week, including week-ends, being a companion to a person with a disability as they pursue their own interests in the community.

    We are looking for people who would like to become a mentor to a person with disability to help them make better decisions and take the right actions by understanding the consequences of not doing so. You will also help connect them to their local community, assisting them to develop useful skills and to fulfil valued roles in society.

    What will I be asked to do?

    Your duties as a personal assistant (kaiāwhina) with One2One will vary greatly, depending on the person you are supporting. Some of the more common duties include:

    • Provide support to enable the person to live their chosen lifestyle.
    • Facilitate contact with family, friends and associates.
    • Provide support to assist the person in making informed decisions.
    • Advocate for and with the customer, where appropriate.
    • Assist with self-care, general hygiene and personal presentation.
    • Assist with cooking, washing, ironing, and house cleaning.
    • Assist with shopping for food, clothing and personal items.
    • Encourage independence in daily living activities, where appropriate.
    • Encourage neighbours to get to know and become friends with the person.
    • Assist the person to become an active member of their local community.
    • Assist with transport and accompany the person on outings and activities.
    • Arrange medical appointments and collect prescriptions.
    • Transport the person to and from appointments and attend as required.
    • Monitor the person's general health and well-being.
    • Assist the person to prepare and develop a weekly budget.
    • Assist the person with banking, paying bills and keeping receipts.

    Your job opportunities

    (Ngā Wāhanga Mahi)

    Expression of interest

    If you feel the outlined requirements and duties at One2One are suited to you and would like to express your interest in a future position, please select either OPTION 1 or 2 or call us on 06 355 1323.

    • OPTION 1

      Our PDF Acrobat expression of interest form is available for download to apply for a position as a personal assistant with One2One.

      PDF Form Download

    • OPTION 2

      To apply online for a position as a personal assistant with One2One. Please use our electronic expression of interest application form.

      Electronic Application Form

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, contact information for One2One.

    Contact Us


    • 74 The Square, Palmerston North, 4410


    Business Hours

    • Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, information for the Accessibility Features on the One2One website.

    Accessibility Mapping

    Keystroke combinations

    Users with compatible browsers have the advantage of navigating the website with the applied access keys incorporated throughout this website. This allows you to navigate around the One2One website without using your mouse.

    Different browsers use different keystrokes to activate accesskey shortcuts, as shown below:

    • Alt + [the accesskey]
      • Internet Explorer for Windows
      • Chrome for Windows (not that Shift is required in some circumstances
      • Safari for Windows
    • Shift + Alt + [the accesskey]
      • Firefox for Windows
    • Ctrl + Option + [the accesskey]
      • Safari for Mac
      • Chrome for Mac
      • Firefox for Mac

    Key Mapping

    Access Key Function
    access key = a Welcome to One2One
    access key = c We can do it together...
    access key = d We can do it for you (but not without you)...
    access key = e About One2One
    access key = g Board of Directors
    access key = h Working at One2One
    access key = i Contact Us
    access key = j Accessibility Mapping
    access key = k Privacy Policy
    access key = l Terms and Conditions

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, information for the Terms and Conditions on the One2One website.

    Terms and Conditions

    Access to and use of is provided on these terms and conditions by One2One. By accessing and using the site you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. You may contact us at:

    Address: 74 The Square, Palmerston North, 4410, New Zealand
    Telephone: 06 355 1323
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Permitted Use

    You must not:

    • use for any activities or post or transmit to or via the site any information or materials which breach any regulations, infringe a third party's rights, or are contrary to any relevant standard or codes;
    • use in a way or post to or transmit to or via the site any material which interferes with other users or defames, threatens, menaces, offends or restricts any person or which inhibits any other user from using or enjoying;
    • use to post, upload, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation;
    • use to make any fraudulent or speculative enquiries, bookings, reservations or requests;
    • use another's name, username or password without permission;
    • post, or transmit via any obscene, indecent, inflammatory or pornographic material or material that could give rise to civil or criminal proceedings;
    • tamper with, hinder the operation of or make unauthorised modifications to and
    • knowingly transmit any virus or other disabling feature to

    Copyright, Trademark and Intellectual Property Protection

    The material and content provided on the site is for your personal, non-commercial use only, save where expressly provided, and you agree not for yourself or through or by way of assistance to any third party distribute or commercially exploit such material or content. Except as otherwise indicated, all materials on this site, including, but not limited to, photographs, results, other images, illustrations, text, video clips and written and other materials contained in this site are protected by copyrights, trademarks and/or other intellectual property rights owned, or used with permission of their owners by One2One.

    You may make a copy of this content for your personal, non-commercial use only provided that you keep all copyright and other proprietary notices intact, and you agree not to modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute by any means or in any manner, any material or information on or downloaded from the site including but not limited to text, graphics, video, messages, code and/or software without our prior written consent. No right, title or interest in any material or software is transferred to you as a result of your use of the site or any such permitted downloading or copying.

    Privacy Protection

    One2One will only use any personal data collected during your use of in accordance with the National Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Act 1993 and our own Privacy Policy (available from One2One).

    Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

    To the extent permitted by law, neither we nor any of our officers, employees, agents or related bodies corporate will be liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you or claims made against you through use of or any failure to provide or in connection with any products, services or information supplied, offered to be supplied or advertised via the site.

    One2One cannot guarantee that your use of the site will be free from error and/or uninterrupted. One2One, its officers, employees and representatives exclude, in so far as it is legally possible, all liability and responsibility for any damages including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential damages, damages for loss of opportunity or chance, or any damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use, data, or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of, or in connection with, any information on the site or the use of the site or any other external website which is linked to


    If, in One2One's reasonable opinion, you breach any of these terms and conditions, we may suspend, terminate or limit your access to effective immediately.


    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of New Zealand and disputes arising from matters relating to the site shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.


    If any of these terms and conditions are invalid or unenforceable, they will be struck out and the remaining terms will remain in force. If we do not act in relation to a breach by you of these terms and conditions, this does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. In these terms and conditions a reference to 'we/us' means a reference to One2One and a reference to "you" means any person at any time using or accessing the site at and includes their successors in title.

    Individualised disability support and care for people with disability in New Zealand, information for the Privacy Policy on the One2One website.

    Privacy Policy

    Appropriate levels of privacy and confidentiality are maintained in the collection, disclosure and storage of customers’ personal information.

    Policy Statement

    Appropriate levels of privacy and confidentiality are maintained in the collection, disclosure and storage of customers’ personal information.


    One2One will:

    1. Only collect and store information about the customer that is directly relevant to effective service delivery and One2One's duty of care responsibilities.
    2. Advise the customer and their family that One2One needs to record and store information appropriate to the support that One2One provides.
    3. Advise the customer and their family of their right to access the information that One2One keeps regarding the customer.
    4. Direct all requests to access information from customers and/or families to the Managing Director.
    5. Ensure that, when disclosing any personal information to another approved party, only relevant information is disclosed.
    6. Seek the written consent of the customer or family prior to obtaining information from or releasing information or images to any other source.
    7. Ensure that personal information is stored securely.
    8. Ensure that only those One2One employees who have a legitimate need to access the above information will be granted access.
    9. Ensure that One2One holds a customer’s personal information only as long as it is relevant to the delivery of effective services and One2One's duty of care obligations.
    10. Promptly investigate, remedy and document any customer grievance regarding privacy, dignity or confidentiality in accordance with One2One's Policy on Complaints and Disputes.
    11. Ensure that customers’ names or other identifying information is not displayed on whiteboards or notice boards that may be open to view by other customers or the general public.
    12. Periodically review customer files to ensure that personal information contained in them is still relevant.
    13. Ensure that customers and their families or advocates have been provided with an appropriate summary of One2One's Policy on Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality and are informed that a full copy is available on request.